Deepika Padukone's tough preparation for her role in Chhapaak. After stunning the audience with her spectacular performance in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's period drama Padmaavat, Deepika Padukone is all set to be back on screen with another project Chhapaak, a film based on the life of acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal. Recently, the actress took to Twitter to share the first look of her character named Malti. "A character that will stay with me forever...#Malti," the actress captioned the picture. She also added that the film will release on January 10, 2020. We gave a few details about the prep that the superstar is undergoing for Chhapaak.
#DeepikaChappakPreparation #DeepikaChappakLook #DeepikaInLaxmiLook